Love Poem on Theme by Whitman
I'll go into the bedroom silently and lie down between the bridgegroom and
the bride,
those bodies fallen from heaven stretched out waiting naked and restless,
arms resting over their eyes in the darkness,
bury my face in their shoulders and breasts, breathing their skin,
and stroke and kiss neck and mouth and make back be open and known,
legs raised up crook'd to recieve, cock in the darkness driven tormented and
roused up from hole to itching head,
bodies locked shuddering naked, hot hips and bottocks screwed into each
and eyes, eyes glinting and charming, widening into looks and abandon,
moans of movement, voices, hands in air, hands between thighs,
hands in moisture on softened hips, throbbing contraction of bellies
till the white come flow in the swirling sheets,
and the bride cry for forgiveness, and the groom be covered with tears of
passion and compassion,
and I rise up from the bed replenished with last intimate gestures and kisses
of farewell -
all before the mind wakes, behind shades and closed doors in a darkened
where the inhabitants roam unsatisfied in the night,
nude ghosts seeking each other out in the silence.
I'll go into the bedroom silently and lie down between the bridgegroom and
the bride,
those bodies fallen from heaven stretched out waiting naked and restless,
arms resting over their eyes in the darkness,
bury my face in their shoulders and breasts, breathing their skin,
and stroke and kiss neck and mouth and make back be open and known,
legs raised up crook'd to recieve, cock in the darkness driven tormented and
roused up from hole to itching head,
bodies locked shuddering naked, hot hips and bottocks screwed into each
and eyes, eyes glinting and charming, widening into looks and abandon,
moans of movement, voices, hands in air, hands between thighs,
hands in moisture on softened hips, throbbing contraction of bellies
till the white come flow in the swirling sheets,
and the bride cry for forgiveness, and the groom be covered with tears of
passion and compassion,
and I rise up from the bed replenished with last intimate gestures and kisses
of farewell -
all before the mind wakes, behind shades and closed doors in a darkened
where the inhabitants roam unsatisfied in the night,
nude ghosts seeking each other out in the silence.
Poema de amor basado en un tema de Whitman
Entraré en el dormitorio silenciosamente y me acos- taré entre el novio y la novia,
esos cuerpos caídos del cielo estirados esperando des- nudos e inquietos
los brazos reposando sobre sus ojos en la oscuridad,
hundiré mi cara en sus hombros y pechos, respirando su piel, y acariciaré y besaré cuello y boca y haré abierta y conocida la espalda,
piernas alzadas y abiertas para recibir, la verga en la noche impulsada, atormentada y atacando
excitada desde el agujero hasta la cabeza irritada
cuerpos entrelazados temblando desnudos, labios ca- lientes y nalgas atornilladas
las unas contra las otras
y los ojos, los ojos brillantes y embrujadores, abrién- dose a miradas y abandonos,
y gemidos de movimiento, voces, manos al aire, manos entre muslos,
manos en la humedad de labios enternecidos, palpi- tante contracción de abdómenes
hasta que llega un blanco flujo en las agitadas sábanas,
y la novia grita pidiendo perdón, y el novio queda cu- bierto de lágrimas de pasión y compasión,
y me alzo de la cama repleto de últimos gestos íntimos y besos de despedida—
todo antes de que la mente despierte, tras persianas y puertas cerradas en una casa oscurecida
donde los habitantes vagan insatisfechos durante la noche,
fantasmas desnudos buscándose los unos a los otros en medio del silencio.
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